Agile Messenger za poplatok!

Náš čitateľ Elrond mi poslal tlačovú správu spoločnosti Agile Mobile. Začnem voľným prekladom:

Od júla 2005 začína spoločnosť Agile Mobile uplatňovať licencované používanie produktu Agile Messenger. Mesačný poplatok za messenger nebude presahovať 2,99 EUR, avšak bude sa v jednotlivých krajinách líšiť. Spoplatnenie služby bude vždy prostredníctvom mobilných operátorov a začne sa v rôznych krajinách v rôznych termínoch. Pre väčšinu užívateľov bde služba spoplatnená už do dvoch týždňov. Bude dostupná 7-dňová bezplatná trial verzia.

Z uvedených dôvodov sa Agile Mobile bude snažiť odstrániť všetky nedostatky programu (keďže bude platený), a tak vzniko aj nové fórum na adrese

Môj názor:

Nechcem Agile Mobile odsudzovať a vlastne mi aj bolo už dlhší čas jasné, že spoločnosť takéto kroky uskutoční. Uvidíme, ako to nakoniec dopadne u nás.

Originál tlačovej správy:

Important Announcement

Starting July 2005 we will begin charging a small monthly license fee for the use of Agile Messenger.

Three years ago Agile Mobile set out to develop a truly ?agile? instant messaging client to provide seamless access to the instant messaging networks, wither it be from the bus, the beach or the gym, without sacrificing any of the functionality and power of the conventional desktop clients. During the initial development period we have allowed our loyal user base to use Agile Messenger for free. We want to thank everyone for their invaluable feedback, suggestions and bug reports, which have allowed us to make Agile Messenger into what it is today.

Agile Messenger is currently the most widely used and feature rich instant messaging and communication tool for mobile devices in the world. In order to make Agile Messenger even better and to be able to continue adding new innovative features it has become essential that we start charging a small monthly license fee. As much as our product is a labor of passion and as much as we?d love to continue giving our product away for free it has become necessary for us to expand our development resources and with that comes a substantial increase in overhead.

We will begin charging a license fee of a maximum of ?2.99 Euro per month, charged directly to your phone bill. The exact monthly charge may vary from country to country depending on our agreement with the local mobile operators but will never exceed ?2.99, or your local currency equivalent, in any country.

The date that we start billing will be different for different countries, again depending on our agreement with the mobile operators, but for most users the billing will start within the coming two weeks.

Please note that Agile Messenger will clearly inform you before you are charged and will ask for your explicit permission to subscribe to the new licensing terms, you will also be given an additional 7 day free trial when subscribing, during which period you can cancel with absolutely no charge. If you have not been asked to confirm if you wish to subscribe then you are not yet being charged.

We intend to develop the product and our support infrastructure substantially in the near future. One of the things that subscribers will notice immediately is that a new support forum has been made available where you may ask questions, report bugs and suggest new features directly to the Agile Messenger development team members. This is something that has been requested a great deal, but could not be delivered do to our limited resources; fortunately with this change that has been the first thing we have implemented. The forum can be accessed at:

We sincerely appreciate the support and loyalty of all of our end users, and truly hope that you all remain our customer, as we assure you, we will not let you down.

Elrondovi za upozornenie ďakujeme!

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